My photographs are ideas, fragments of thought, implying narratives based on the images.  To that extent I agree with Noam Chomsky: the idea that we have art and music is because we can’t say everything we want with language.

Most of my work is black and white, analogous to my taste in music. . . small ensembles where I can hear individual lines among the blends of others. I keep color when it’s notdistracting.   

My subjects are most often taken from nature or structures created by humans, listening or looking for those clear musical lines. Curves formed by shadows, especially when falling on curved surfaces, form abstracted shapes. I try to find the most interesting narrative.  

Often my images lead the viewer out of the frame, suggesting more, leaving enough, but without what lies beyond, inviting contemplation to finish the narrative: trees disappearing as they recede into mist at ground level, visible at higher levels; or sunlight seeping through leaves while forming their shadows at the same time.

My photographs are often incomplete -- almost enigmatic.  Something shown but not quite explained;  perhaps abstract; often with strong geometries -- especially boundaries between light and dark; incorporating tonal differences.  Stairways and arches,  paths and roadways, these structures attract me as subjects -- especially when shadows play a role. 

